Wrestling with myself

Wrestling with myself January 17, 2007

Sorry it’s been so quiet. I’ve been dealing with a project which I have – miraculously – managed to mostly finish ahead of schedule, but it’s been very time-consuming and I still have to type it up.

It’s rare that I write in longhand, but this project seemed to have stymied me a bit – it scared me, really, because it was an altogether new sort of assignment – and when I am blocked, I cannot write at the keyboard, I must get pen and paper and physically WRITE a thing out.

I did manage to pin it down, though, and when last night I managed to write the thing I most feared as undoable…well…it actually made me a little teary. Awww.

My son Buster says I am the most pathetic woman on the face of the earth, and he usually knows about these things, so I’ll consider as he might be right!

Meanwhile…as I finish this thing up and deal with a family occasion that is using up the rest of what is left of my brain, blogging will continue light and emails…well…you’ll understand if I can’t get to them right away. Or, you know…until maybe February.

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