Starbucks closing; blame the Monks?

Starbucks closing; blame the Monks? July 1, 2008

My husband, teasing in an email:
“Starbucks is closing 600 stores! I blame the Mystic Monks and that incredible Dark Roast!”

Well…I don’t think we can blame the monks, but I know I much prefer their smooth blends to a $5.00 cup of over-roasted-tasting Joe.

Starbucks became so ubiquitous, it seemed like it was saturating it’s own market. You just knew they would have difficulty sustaining things if people had to choose between the latte and the gas tank. Still, it’s never good to read about closings and the possible loss of jobs. Starbucks says it will try to place as many employees as possible in other stores, so that’s encouraging – I hope they can manage it!

Meanwhile, the monks let you brew the delicious stuff at home – no driving required – see the right sidebar, or the banner below.

All of which reminds me of a cute story: my big niece is forever running out of her house to buy a cup of coffee “outside,” either at Starbucks, or Dunkin Donuts or 7-11. She’s become so accustomed to it, that I don’t think she likes coffee if it’s not in a paper cup, with a plastic lid. Her 5 year old daughter – my little niece – returned from playing at a friends house and breathlessly told her mother over dinner, “Mommy, did you know they have machines, now, that you can make coffee right in your own house!”

These modern times.

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