"I didn't put up with crappy food to lose!"

"I didn't put up with crappy food to lose!" September 8, 2008

Speaking at his big-buck-a-plate fundraiser, Sen. Barack Obama, aka The Candidate Sometimes Referred to As “Candace” laid down some more of his suffering hard times and cried “waaaaaaah.”

“I hope you guys are up for a fight. I hope you guys are game because I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food and missing my babies and my wife – I didn’t put up for that stuff just to come in second,” he said. “I don’t believe in coming in second. The American people can’t afford for us to come in second.”

Waaaaaahhhh poor me. Look what I’ve had to suffer for your sakes! Oh, wait…Poor America! Right. America. It’s about America! That’s it! Roll back that tape! America hasn’t been putting up with stuff all this time just for me to come in second! “Don’t Cry For Me, Mid-America!”

Then, that last graph, you gotta love it:

“You don’t have to be 72 to have experience,” he said, referring to the age of Mr. McCain. “It’s the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. This 21st century man has an aura of hope wrapped around him.”

Well, no, you don’t have to be 72 to have experience. But, if you’re going to be the president – the top dog, numero uno in the world – you should have some executive or leadership experience by the time you’re 45 or so. You should have at least been involved in the planning and execution of one policy or plan – from inception to completion – other than, you know…your candidacy…something that’s about more than just you.

And that being “wrapped up in an aura of hope,” stuff – it’s starting to smell a bit stale and void of content. We’re 60 days before the election. Perhaps it’s time to stop with the pretty words and the groovy messianic stuff, and deal with the truth that the 21st century man is actually wrapped in an aura of confusion and some discomfort; he or she has no idea what his manhood or her womanhood means, anymore, thanks to the 20th century social state, post-modernism and all its many euphemisms, enforced views and happy fun talk. Doug Ross illustrates the point.

I’m thinking we should talk less about Sarah Palin, let her get her bearings as her son prepares to leave for Iraq, and start listening to Barack Obama – because he’s The One – and John McCain, again. Because they’re running for the top-spot, not Palin.

And they’re both saying stuff that bears hearing, and repeating, and discussing. Aren’t they? If they’re not, let’s look at that, too.
: “Campaigning is haaaard!”

: O The Martyrdom!
Beldar: The Trials & Turmoils of The One on the Campaign Trail
Dr. Sanity: Never has anyone sacrificed so much for one country

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