Debate Reactions

Debate Reactions September 26, 2008

Ann Althouse is <a href="" liveblogging the debate.. So is STACLU and Ace.

I frankly don’t have the energy for hyper-live-blogging as I did with the convention. I may pop in a remark here and there, but check back for reaction roundups! May the best man win; and no games, please.

CNN has piecharts with instant pundit feedback. I hate that. Let’s allow people to think about their own reactions before they have to process gasbag reactions!

Does Obama think the president has a line-item veto? Why does he want the world’s love, instead of the world’s respect? I wrote about that just the other day. Don’t like that.

I’m following comments at Ace and Althouse. Very funny and obscene at Ace, very smart at Althouse – my favorite of the night, from an Althouse commenter:

The Palin-Biden debate will cause the next Obama-McCain debate to be held at the Mayo Clinic, with both of them on treadmills wearing EKGs.

That was an enjoyable, fast-moving and well-done debate. Kudos to Jim Lehrer, best moderator I’ve seen in ages. My husband’s assessment: They reminded him of that old cartoon with the bulldog walking along and the little yappy dog running beside him, with the bulldog knocking him aside saying, “ahhh, shaddup.”

One thing: Obama said he did support nuclear power, but didn’t think Yucca Mountains were appropriate for storing waste. That’s a game. The truth is if Yucca is not appropriate than no place is appropriate to store nuclear waste. So, bottom line, Obama does not support nuclear energy.

The talking heads say there were no “memorable” lines. I think McCain’s remark about how he doesn’t even have a seal yet, and “Sen. Obama does not know the difference between a strategy and a tactic” were pretty memorable, but not in a “there you go again” way. Geraghty sort of agrees.

Obama was not awful; he seemed out of his league a few times, mostly on economics. McCain was surprisingly strong on economics, unsurprisingly strong on military issues. What was key here was that McCain was speaking from history and experience; Obama was talking from policy bull sessions. McCain was speaking from a place of wisdom come from age, Obama seemed a bit young at times. McCain was speaking, often, like a man talking to other men and women. Obama seemed like a policy wonk, with good notes. I’m not trying to be mean about Obama. McCain just seemed more alive, and more authentic. Clear, direct and sure of himself. Also, I had a sense of scope with McCain. He talked about the past because he has been part of it, and he talked about the future – a lot. Obama has no past, talked too much about the past, and too much about Bush. He’s not running against Bush. My bottom line: I want McCain answering the phone at 3AM.

Here’s a fast video – amazingly fastas Surber says:

I note that even Chris Matthews is saying McCain won this thing. That’s not surprising to me, really, because Matthews is a sentimental Irish fellow who loves pubhouse debate, and that’s really what McCain offered. But the overall reality: McCain, by doing well, simply saved himself. Things are still trending Obama, especially with the people who feeeeeel more than think.

Was the debate a tie or a win?
A tie
Obama won
McCain won free polls

Instapundit has the big roundup
Ed Morrissey says both men did well but Obama better find something he’s willing to cut next time he’s asked about budgets. Overall gives the win to McCain.
Neo-Neocon finds an Annie Hall moment.
Jennifer Rubin says McCain won and wonders about perception.
Wizbang is calling untruth on an Obama claim

Confederate Yankee
says that was no tie, and Obama imploded. I don’t know if Obama imploded. But he didn’t win.
Crittenden also liveblogged
At the Corner: Kissinger says McCain got him right
Jake Tapper catches Team Obama in a lie
Stanley Kurtz says McCain

Many of the Althouse commenters remarked on the way Obama said “Pakistan” and “Taliban.” A few wondered about it, and one or two hinted that it “betrays” his “secret Muslim heritage” which I think is silly, but I am polling that, too – did you like it, hate it, not care?

Were you bothered by the way Obama said “Pakistan?”
I liked it
I wonder about it
You’re from NY, what do you know from accents? free polls

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