Morning Prayer October 01

Morning Prayer October 01 October 1, 2008

Sorry to say there are a few small mistakes in this podcast, the most glaring of which is that I said I would provide the page directives and read the small bio of St. Therese in the breviary and then proceeded to accidentally cut all of that out during the edit, also, I am dealing with a sore throat and choked my way through the third psalm…apologies.

Here’s the podcast for morning prayer. While this is the feastday of Therese of Lisieux, we’re not praying the Office of Virgins or the Office of Doctors; the ordinary psalms seemed eloquent of the day, so I stuck with them. We begin in the breviary on page 812, skipping to page 1277 only for the canticle antiphon and the closing prayer.

Sorry about the quality, or lack thereof. Since I mentioned St. Therese’s classic autobiography, The Story of a Soul, I’ve linked to it below. Widgets

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