CNN covers NetTV

CNN covers NetTV December 5, 2008

This is pretty amazing. Yesterday, Drudge gave this ad campaign a headline, and now this report from CNN?

Embedded video from CNN Video

In our email exchanges I’ve often told Deacon Greg Kandra, the former CBS news writer who is now news director for this about-to-launch channel that the Holy Spirit seems to bless with particular favor all of his undertakings.

If you knew Greg, you’d understand why. He faith full of gratitude and joyful, humble obedience, walking around looking like a normal person.

And so it’s no surprise that the launch of a mere Diocesan Television channel – albeit one serving a huge metropolitan area – suddenly finds itself getting the sort of free, priceless publicity that any politician or artist would kill for.

It’s the Holy Spirit. And, of course, a pretty adorable ad campaign. is great fun. NetTV has a walk-off home-run.

Sign the petition to stop good tv. And roll your eyes at some of the comments, while you’re at it! While mainstream networks are firing, this little channel is hiring.

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