Dems: "Ramming it through" was bad

Dems: "Ramming it through" was bad February 24, 2010

A left-center friend defended to me the Obama/Congress idea of ramming healthcare through.

“You didn’t mind it when Bush did it,” he said.

Actually, he can’t know that (and I do recall having some hesitations about how rancorous it was all becoming) but more to the point -and the conversation broke off, so I could not say it to him- if something is reprehensible when a president/congress you hate does it, isn’t it still reprehensible when a president/congress you don’t hate does it?

So it goes; round and round.

Wow. How everyone has aged in just six years. I guess we all have.

Barone: Nanny-statism insults the American spirit

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