The Virtual Conclave: And a Round Up! – UPDATE

The Virtual Conclave: And a Round Up! – UPDATE March 11, 2013

Don’t miss this virtual conclave — it’s really good!

Meanwhile: “What secret process? We’re talking electoral blocs!

It’s a little too much like reading the pony pages!

John Allen sees three ways to 77 votes!

What can a pope change? More and less than you think.

No clear favorite, but a lot of excitement about Dolan. My own gut says once they’re locked in, all bets are off, and we’ll be surprised at who emerges onto the balcony.

Speaking of which, the latest craze is “being the first to know who is pope” by brushing up on your Latin and knowing all the first names.

Really? We have to race to know who it is 30 seconds before the next guy? I guess I’m just not competitive enough.

What would you do if you were pope? Several prominent Catholics weigh in at the Washington Post, including our own Fr. Dwight Longenecker and Lisa Hendey.

Here are Ten things you may not know about the conclave

Ed Morrissey,
who is in Rome, scores an interview with George Weigel and has more on the energy surrounding the idea of an American pope.

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