The Horror of PP vs an Invitation to Absolute Beauty & Healing

The Horror of PP vs an Invitation to Absolute Beauty & Healing July 31, 2015

Altar at St. Vincent Ferrer/BestBudBrian/CreativeCommons
Altar at St. Vincent Ferrer/BestBudBrian/CreativeCommons

In just a few hours, you and I — from wherever we are, on the planet — have the opportunity to meet each other in the Holy Eucharist, and to together plead before the most Merciful Christ Jesus, for all of those who have been touched by the Culture of Death, throughout the world.

Friar's Chapel, St. Vincent Ferrer Church/BestBudBrian/WikimediaCommons
Friar’s Chapel, St. Vincent Ferrer Church/BestBudBrian/WikimediaCommons
This is a privilege of spirit and mystery. In her capacity as a member of the cardinal’s pro-life commission, Kathryn Jean Lopez has managed to very quickly organize a special Holy Hour of Reparation, Healing and Mercy. It is to be centered in New York City, in one of its most beautiful churches, St. Vincent Ferrer, so if it is possible for you to be there, try to make it. You may bump into Deacon Greg.

If, you cannot be present at St Vincent’s, we can still meet together, and pray together in spirit. This is what makes prayer such a subversive and effective power: it forms and flows and penetrates time and space and the veil. Praying from your chair, somewhere out there, you might bump into Max Lindenman, praying from Arizona, or me from my little house on Long Island.

This is a moment of Absolute Beauty: a meeting of minds, hearts and souls before the Real Presence of Christ Jesus. Together, we will plead on behalf of life, to the very Word which came before all living things, and redeems us.

Life is formed and and all things sustained upon the intention and affirmation of God, and therefore a Culture of Death can only bring deep offense to him. Please join us in prayer before the One who is All-Justice, and also All-Mercy, to make an offering of reparation for the sins against life — sins against both creation and the Creator — and in supplication for healing and most especially for mercy.

savior_orgKathryn pulled this event together so quickly that organizing a live-stream was not possible, but for those of us who cannot be there in person, may I suggest we join with the pray-team in New York by logging on to, where a livestream of the Holy Eucharist is always available to us!

We will meet you in the Holy Eucharist: “For the sake of his Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us, and on the whole world.” Pray for those harmed by the Culture of Death, and for the salvation of those souls who currently serve it.

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