A Simple Question for Nancy Pelosi

A Simple Question for Nancy Pelosi October 2, 2015

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Public Domain
I barely get to read news, anymore, but I stumbled across this interesting exchange between Nancy Pelosi and a reporter:

The reporter sparked the exchange by asking: ā€œIs an unborn baby with a human heart and human liver a human being?ā€

ā€œWhy donā€™t you take your ideological questionsā€¦I donā€™t know who you are, and youā€™re welcome to be here and freedom of this press,ā€ Pelosi said. ā€œI am a devout, practicing Catholic. A mother of five children. When my baby was born, my firth child, my oldest child, was six years old. I think I know more about this subject than you, with all due respect.ā€

Pelosi then said she did ā€œnot intendā€ to answer the question. It wasnā€™t immediately clear which news outlet the reporter was representing.

It must be unimaginably difficult to deliver your fifth child when your oldest is a six year old. As a mother, I more than recognize that, and I truly hope Pelosi had some sort of support system to help her.

But Pelosi has often used that story to defend her 100% NARAL approval rating and her unconditional support of Planned Parenthood. The next time she does, a reporter needs to ask the right question, which is simply this: ā€œwhich one of the five could you have done without?ā€

Drop mic, etc.

Another question, but it would be a little mean, might be, ā€œwhy do you use your children as justification for abortion?ā€

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