Star of Wonder…

Star of Wonder… January 6, 2008

We Three Kings, Jennifer Avalon

I love Epiphany Sunday. Here on the 12th day of Christmas we remember the Magi arriving and bearing significant and meaningful gifts, and the wonder of the Incarnation remains raised within our consciousness for a little while longer as we recall that the Christ, humble babe – the Bread of Life – lying in a food bin (there are no accidents in scripture) was and has ever since been worshiped and adored by shepherds and kings…and wise men of good will. I love pondering the gathering of people from unexpected places and backgrounds, all drawn together as one in worship.

I also love this Sunday because it’s the week we get to sing We Three Kings – one of my very favorite Christmas songs. I love the verses wherein each king sings of his gift and alludes to its meaning, but most of all I love the refrain, the wistful – almost giddy – “ooohhhh star of wonder, star of night…” and then the way words and pulsing melody give the impression of movement – specifically of pushing forward, “westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to, thy perfect light…”

Of course, The Roches, on their album We Three Kings, do the song brilliantly – emphasizing that sense of movement and forward thrust by building it around a arabesque sounding soprano sax that ads a sense of mystery. As I wrote here:

From the opening bars of Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light to the end, it’s a joyride, and their version of We Three Kings (one of my all-time favorites) is – with it’s haunting arabesque sax phrase and expressive verses, the definitive version of that carol, for me. If you are unfamiliar with The Roches, give a listen over at Amazon. You’ll love this album!

Happy Ephiphany.

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