“The Catholic Working Mom’s Guide to Life” Selfie Contest

“The Catholic Working Mom’s Guide to Life” Selfie Contest June 9, 2019

Now that my book is out, I’m holding a selfie contest! The prize is a $50 gift card to Amazon.com.*

Here are the details:

If you take a selfie with the book WHILE AT WORK: 1 entry (yes, your home office counts!)

If you take a selfie with the book AND your boss is in the picture too: 2 entries

If you take a selfie with the book AND one or more of your coworkers: 2 entries

If you take a selfie with the book, your boss/coworkers, AND your kid(s): 3 entries

(If you are your own boss, that doesn’t count — there have to be two or more people in the picture for it to count!)

If you leave a review of the book on Amazon or Goodreads: 1 entry

If you share your selfie on social media: 1 entry per platform (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

If sharing on Instagram or Twitter: tag @cathworkingmom and @osvcatholicbooks; use the hashtag #cwmbookselfie (entries won’t be valid without the tags and hashtag)

If sharing on Facebook, tag The Catholic Working Mother and use the hashtag #cwmbookselfie (entries won’t be valid without the tag and hashtag)

If you only have the Kindle version, that’s okay! Either take a selfie holding up your e-reader (with the book cover displayed on it) OR, if your e-reader is also your phone, you can print out an image of the cover and use that instead (or get someone else to take the picture for you).

Submit your entries via the Rafflecopter widget below.

The contest starts Monday, June 10 and ends at 11:59pm (Arizona time) on June 16. I’ll do a random drawing sometime during the week of June 17 and announce the winner on the blog.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*I prefer to send an e-gift card, but I will mail a physical one if you are within the continental United States.

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