respectfully disagreeing…

respectfully disagreeing… January 11, 2008

… I will acknowledge that not all those who receive communion in the hand are intentionally being disrespectful. I believe most, but not all, just don’t know better due to poor catechism. I wager; however, it will be hard to disagree with me when I state that absolutely no good has come out of the practice.

For those who do receive in the hand doing so with reverence, may I ask why you chose this method knowing that it does perceive a certain disrespect? Why, knowing and firmly believing in the Real Presence, would anyone even want to receive the Body of Christ with unanointed hands? I’m honestly curious.

If you disagree with my statements, I would be interested to know what good you believe has come from the practice of reception in the hand.


*this post is not a personal attack, it’s intention is solely to spark dialogue on the practices of receiving the Eucharist.

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