priorites, people…

priorites, people… August 17, 2008

… I recently visited the parish I no longer regularly attend for this past Friday’s Holy Day of Obligation. I went to mass that morning before heading into work. Looking around at the congregation that morning I couldn’t help noticing how nice every one looked. It was the first time I was at this church and seen the entire congregation dressed in their Sunday’s best. Then I remembered it was Friday morning … they weren’t dressed for mass. They were dressed for work. Priorities being what they are.

However, here’s the thing. A few years back I probably would have rushed into work and quickly pounded out a blog post rife with heated righteous indignation condemning people who care more about their appearance for their employer than for God.

I guess I’m going soft in my old age. It only took me two days to saturate the blog-o-sphere with my indignation and outrage… only I’m not all that scandalized or indignant. Heck, I didn’t even mention the six Eucharistic minister for a congregation of maybe THIRTY people… oh, wait I just did. But I’m not indignant. Ok, so I rolled my eyes. That’s it I swear.

I’m working on re-prioritizing. I’m working on worrying less about other people’s perceived problems and short comings and spending more time fixing the myriad of mine own.

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