a historic election…

a historic election… October 30, 2008

historic because this has been the most shameful election in history.

Michelle Obama is finally proud of her country… she is proud her husband and his party are resorting to every -ism in the book. Ageism, sexism, racism, socialism, elitism and barbarism.
Yes, the Obama’s are prideful.


The democratic party has mocked the working class, the class they claim to represent. They tried to publicly destroy one working class man with a family simply because he dare question Obama’s Socialist tendencies. Elitism.

They mocked Palin’s wardrobe and try to discredit her by making her nothing more than a pretty face. At every turn during this election they’ve called into question Palin and Clinton based solely on their sex. Sexism.

McCain has been repeatedly called senile and erratic. He is not fit to lead the country because he’ll drop dead any minute, they claim. That thinking right shows liberals lack of respect for life in general. The aged are no good to society and do not deserve to hold jobs or positions of leadership. Ageism.

Democrats have even resorted to suggesting that those who do not support their candidate are racists. If Obama does not become our next president it is because America is a racist nation. Racism.

Only the uneducated are voting for McCain. The college educated are voting for Obama. More elitism.

Spread the wealth. Total government control over health care. Total government control period. Eradication of any form of dissent. Socialism.

Abortion on demand, even for minors and without their parent’s knowledge. Infanticide. Babies surviving abortions left to die. BARBARISM.

Yes, history indeed. We have the most racist, sexist, ageist, elitist, BARBARIC Socialist candidate on the ballot in the entire history of this country.

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