something about Mary…

something about Mary… July 22, 2010

… when I chose Mary Magdalene as my patron 5 years ago, or should I say she chose me, it was met with some trepidation on my part. Admittedly, I was a tad embarrassed with my choice because the mere mention of her named seemed to imply a salacious past… “Why would you pick a reformed prostitute?” I was asked.

Whether you follow the eastern or western school of thought about who exactly this the woman from Magdala is makes no difference. That isn’t why we ended up together.

She was a convert. She was penitent… THE penitent. She stood at the foot of the Cross. Was the first to witness His resurrection and heralded the news of His return to the apostles. Her life was a conscientious turning away from sin. In this current age where humanity has made peace with their sinfulness, calling it personal choice and freedom, Mary Magdalene reminds us to love and follow God unabashedly and repent. Everyday repent.

Carlo Dulci

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