on marriage…

on marriage… December 7, 2010

… hardly the expert, I can count exactly fours times I have tackled the subject on blog over the course of six whole years. Each time was for very specific reason usually involving some one else. Looking through the archives the only instances I have made mention of my own personal experience with marriage was to discuss divorce and it’s effects on the soul.

Very rarely will I write candidly about my personal life; this is one such time.

The process of discernment is used to contemplate vocations; various vocations, such as marriage, the single life, parenthood and religious vocations. Many view the last as the only true reason for discernment and therefore anyone else seeking direction in the other matters do not technically qualify as persons in need of a Spiritual Director. Hence, the poll in my side bar. We’ll save that for another post.

In regards to marriage what I have discerned thus far is, I desire Heaven more than I desire a spouse.

Does this mean I should be a nun? Not necessarily. What this does mean is that I do not want to marry someone who will not help me reach my goal, Heaven. Look, I can get to hell on my own. I don’t help there. So it doesn’t make sense to cleave myself to a man who doesn’t share my faith or barely practices his.

Is it possible I may never marry? Yes. Am I ok with this? I am getting there. It is also entirely possible that the only man strong enough to keep my sorry ass out of Hell is Christ Himself. That I am ok with. Will He chose me as His spouse? Doubtful.

Whatever lay ahead of me, the choice I am going to make is always going to the one in favor of keeping me from roasting in eternal damnation. That is really all there is to discern. I’m no expert on marriage, obviously. I am never going to give marital advice, ever. Don’t ask.

Really the only thing I have to say on the subject is that marriage should be an edifying union in which two souls become one flesh with the ultimate outcome of helping the other attain Heaven. Procreation is just a perk.

Oh, and I am in the process of spiritual discernment. I’ll let you hens speculate as to which vocation.

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