Camino de Santiago…

Camino de Santiago… August 11, 2011

… so my doctor said I need to get more exercise and apparently the energy exerted lifting gin to my lips doesn’t count.

Taking me to task, she challenged me to write down all the fun things I like to do hoping to turn them into opportunities for exercise. The verdict is still out on how many calories one can burn firing off a few rounds at the shooting range. We settled on walking and biking.

I don’t mind walking as long as I am going somewhere. My efforts have to produce an end goal for me to remain motivated. So I decided I would work toward the goal of a long hike, since even against my better judgement, I like the outdoors.

This got me thinking. Where would I hike if I could hike anywhere. The possibilities were endless but it was decided for me with a little providence over a pint of Guinness one evening.

My Cougar Friend and I went out for drinks and we were joined by her college aged daughter, a recent convert to Catholicism, and one of her friends. They excitedly chatted on about leaving for World Youth Day and showed off their travel books of Spain.

Here’s the providence part; she handed me a book and it opened up to a chapter about Camino De Santiago.

Here’s the Guinness part; “Lookit! This is it! This is where I am going!”

I declared to the group my plans and my Cougar Friend just chortled, “Wouldn’t you rather see Spain from the inside of a bar?”

I know. I know. But Kat, you say, didn’t God tell you during adoration to go to Poland? Now you expect us to believe that Our Lord and Savior is speaking to you in pubs?! Haven’t you learned your lesson about mixing travel plans and alcohol?

The Lord is indeed mysterious. Who am I to question His methods? I’ve always believed He meets us where we are, and if where we are happens to be a certain Irish pub I frequent… so be it.

And so it began. I started doing the research, the math, the planning and rallying of friends. I proposed my idea for the Fall of 2013. It’s a huge undertaking and one that is going to require a lot of preparation.

I have managed to persuade a few friends who seem enthusiastically on board with the whole thing. Unless they are humoring me, which is highly likely. Maybe they are just waiting for my next revelation, when I see Jesus in my toast.

Anyway, if you have taken this pilgrimage let me hear from you.

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