color of youth…

color of youth… August 19, 2011

… I love all the media coverage of the World Youth Day events. Such joyous and colorful photos, with the exception of those idiotic protesters. What are they protesting anyway; the cost of the whole the event? I don’t suppose they decided to investigate the source of the funds for WYD, which *isn’t* the Spanish government, but private individuals and corporate sponsors. Those protesters, the poor dears, all look so angry. Don’t they know all that unfounded indignation causes deep set frown lines and wrinkles?! Yawn.

I digress. Back to the joy and color., the Vatican Media center

World Youth Day’s main website

WYD on Flickr

WYD on Facebook, where attendees are adding their own private photos to it’s wall.

Rueters’s Pope in Spain slideshow, with all those nasty little socialists spitting and frothing at the mouth, like typical “tolerant” liberals.

Updated: And the best photos, thus far, are from this source. Thank you Elizabeth Scalia for the link. I know I’ve been a naysayer to the loolapalooza-esqu atmoshpere in the past, but there is no denying the enthusiasm of the youth. Tears and shouts of joy greeted the Holy Father, shouts and tears usually reserved by teenagers for pop stars. That tells me something.

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