stupid is as stupid does…

stupid is as stupid does… October 9, 2011

… I really wish I had planned my trip to Knoxville, TN more timely so it would’ve coincided with the Occupy Wall Street demonstration that went on this weekend. There was also a Slut Walk happening simultaneously in the same park. Where is the gift of bi-location when it’s really needed!? Ugh. I miss everything.

So what exactly is OWS? What is their point? All I can gather is they want an end to corporate greed, yet they offer no alternative or propose a solution. Nor do they see the irony in tweeting their ‘revolution’ on iPhones and other corporate made mobile devices.

Ok, so they want jobs.

Have they listened to themselves in news interviews? Most are barely articulate and don’t know what they are protesting themselves. No employer is going to think, “Gee, that person looks like a hot mess and talks with the vocabulary of a middle school child! My God, call HR and see if we can’t get them on our team!”.

Look, if your named after a vehicle or your name sounds like a stripper’s stage name only with extra vowels and apostrophes then chances are high you are unemployable and you have expectations well outside the realms of reality. So stop expecting to get a 40K a year salary fresh out of college. You start at a shitty entry level position like the rest of us who realize we aren’t entitled to anything we don’t work for. Then as you gain work experience you can see a slow increase in your income.

OMG… you have exorbitant student loans! How unfair. You borrowed money and now someone expects you to pay it back. How’s the degree in Women’s Studies working for you. Yeah, I’m sure it was worth every single federally loaned penny. If you want to blame anyone for your worthless degrees blame the left who, through entitlements and affirmative action, made going to college as commonplace as graduating high school.

I don’t suppose community college and working part time to pay for your education was ever an option. But let’s not take any personal responsibility here.

So, I’m sorry, what is OWS point again?

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