the unspeakable horror…

the unspeakable horror… October 5, 2011

… if you have kids then you can relate to what I am about to share with you. And if you are a mom then you know exactly of what I speak. Mom Competition. Or Mompetition. Those militant scary moms that hand squeeze their own fruit juices to bring to meetings and sports events when it’s their turn to supplies the snacks. The Whole Foods Moms who have these freakishly allergic hypersensitive kids.

I got tired of trying to cater to every child’s specific needs and the demands of their mothers and decided to have a little fun with it. So now I just bring junk like candy corn and Hi-C.

Ooooo. I will feed your kids high fructose corn syrup and red dye #5 when you aren’t looking.

Speaking of freakishly allergic kids; why is it so many kids are dangerously sensitive to everything? Growing up I knew of only one kid who had an allergy, and it was to penicillin. One day after school myself and some friends talked him into eating moldy bread for a week’s worth of lunch money… you know, to see if it really would kill him.

He’s totally fine and survived his childhood unscathed, though he keeps ignoring my Facebook friend requests.

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