Yeah but sometimes I just want a greasy fast food burger…

Yeah but sometimes I just want a greasy fast food burger… January 17, 2012

… Fr. Longenecker has this great post over on his blog about the often heard claim of being “spiritual but not religious”. I was going to post a couple of choice quotes but I couldn’t decide, so here is the entire first part of his post. If you want to read rest you have to follow the link.

“What’s all this “spiritual but not religious” claptrap? Saying you’re spiritual but not religious is like saying you love food, but hate cooking. Let’s take it further. You love food but hate cooking? That means you can’t be bothered to learn to cook. You can’t be bothered to study food and a meal and how it all fits togethers. You can’t be bothered to read cookbooks and learn how to make a recipe. You’re not willing to give it a try and burn something and be embarrassed. You’re not willing to burn your fingers, make a mess and have to clean it up. You’re not willing to invite friends, plan a dinner party, take a risk, spend some money and cook for them.

Why is that? Because you have known some bad cooks in your day? Because you were brought up on junk food? Because you have never had a cordon bleu five course meal? Because a chef once offended you in some way? Because you tried cooking from a cook book once and you failed? Because your friends think good food is snobbish? Because how can you eat a fine meal when there are hungry children in the world?”

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