More on using graphic images, because clearly we are all on the same side…

More on using graphic images, because clearly we are all on the same side… January 17, 2012

… Do I think using graphic images can be an effective tool to show the real horror of abortion? Yes. Do I think they should be used any and everywhere without an iota of discretion. No. Does that make me any less of a pro-life advocate? No. Yet some would argue. There seems to exist a belief that those of us who feel using graphic images within an appropriate context are less sincere and not as pro-life.

Really? We are going to start infighting among ourselves over who is the most pro-life now? Sure, why not I guess. Catholics love to argue, do we not. We famously argue all the time over who is more pious and more of a real Catholic. We love to decry people whom we feel are insincere in their faith. We make up all kinds of nasty names – CINO, cafeteria Catholic etc. etc. etc.

I think showing graphic images during the Super Bowl is a bad bad bad idea. Airing a pro-life ad without the imagery during the Super Bowl, good. Again, this does not make my desire to see an end to abortion any less so. Myself and others who might agree here are not the enemy. We are all on the same side.

Lastly I ask, would you make the same accusations against the organizers of the March For Life for asking people not bring graphic images to the event? Would you go to the rally in DC and tell any of those people, standing out in the cold for hours on end, that they are less passionate fighters because they didn’t bring graphic images to the march? At every pro-life event I’ve ever attended, even when just praying out in front of an abortion mill, the request has been made to not bring signs with graphic images. I never once thought to question the intentions of those making the request.

If you truly feel that exposing anyone and everyone to images of aborted babies without a moment’s hesitation, consideration or discretion is a good thing than why aren’t those images banners on your own blogs? Why not have t-shirts made and wear them everywhere you go? I don’t mean that sarcastically at all. Really, I promise. If my intentions can be held up to scrutiny then surely I can pose this question with complete sincerity.

Again, we are all on the same side.

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