Farmer Kat…

Farmer Kat… February 29, 2012

… or things I kill on any given day.

I’ve decided that since I finally have enough land, I was going to start farming. “Farming” in the urbanized definition being a couple of raised garden beds and maybe some chickens. Ok. I’m totally sold on the idea of having chickens. Just look at this cute coop!

That’s a legitimate reason to have livestock right? Because of the cute accessories? Sure. I mean look at it. It’s in Tarheel Blue!

I’m even going to Raleigh’s Tour d’Coop this year so I can meet other obsessed chicken owners who will understand the desire to eat the same type of eggs that were James Bond’s favorite – the chocolate brown eggs of the Maran chicken of course.

What I really need is a goat to eat the Kudzu. What accessories does a goat come with?

Aren’t my window boxes lovely, bursting forth with fragrant pink and purple flowers called something or another.

My raised bed is patiently awaiting the arrival of lettuce, spinach and broccoli starts to be planted this weekend. The sweet candy onions are already sprouting nicely. I have several large containers that will house some herbs and peas, and the bulbs of tulips and lilies should be springing up any day now.

But it’s the chickens I’m super obsessed about now. Must. Have. Chickens.



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