A note about the advertising …

A note about the advertising … April 18, 2012

… Dear readers, please know that I have NOT converted to Mormonism. That was not the “conversion” Patheos had in mind when they did the revamp.

It’s all very complicated and I am learning about it myself, but please know that by simply reading my blog you are not supporting the Mormon Church any more than you are supporting the other hundreds of ads on the many sites you visit everyday.

Do you want to know who you support by visiting here – me. More specifically, the very expensive Catholic education that my son will be receiving starting next year. Your clicks here transfer into very real paychecks to me that are in turn used to fund a Catholic education.

Those who have followed me for many years know how I’ve wanted to send my son to parochial school and I have done several posts lamenting the absurdity of a Catholic education being out of reach to many Catholic families. The opportunity to get paid for writing and earn extra income for my family is something I have fervently prayed about for a very very long time. This was an answered prayer.

I’m sure it’s easy to think of me as another monkey banging on the keyboard in some huge bloglomerate but I am indeed a very real person with a very real child to feed, clothe, and educate. If you like the content and commentary offered here support that, not the ads.

It’s really simple, folks – if you don’t like the ads don’t click on them.

I’m not entirely sure how the ads work. Some of it has to do with pay per click advertising, in which case Mormons pay Patheos if you click on their ads. Then Patheos pays Catholics like me. So really, Mormons are supporting Catholic blogging. Or am I getting paid by Mormons? I’m not really sure. Whatever… I get the money when you read my blog, not the Mormon church. So be at ease. It’s not even a confessable offense.

Next you have the automatically generated Google ads. Neither I nor Patheos have any control over these ads. The Google ads appear based on YOUR internet activity and the subject matter on this blog. Example: Google picks up certain keywords from the text and determines that readers of this blog must be in need of bat guano fertilizer since I used the phrase “bat shit crazy”.

I have just used the words “Mormon” and “Mormon Church” five times in this one post. What do you think the result will be? No. Not the apocalypse. Just annoying Mormon ads that you can choose to ignore because you like me that much to tolerate a minor annoyance. And that’s all it really is, a minor annoyance. First world problems, people. A little perspective please.

And a final note about Google ads… I do not see the same ads you do. Complaining about them is fruitless and reveals to me your internet search habits. Google chooses the ads you see based on your internet activity. So remember that next time you Google “Ryan Gosling sex tape”.

Thank you all for your continued support.

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