crappity crap crap…

crappity crap crap… April 24, 2012

… I have poison ivy. Really bad. Like deformed arms, grotesque, mutant freak bad. Like shield your children’s eyes from my sight bad. And I am miserable. Oh, so miserable. And itchy. Gnawing off my arms would more tolerable than having to endure any more.

So I did what any wussy person who cannot tolerate the slightest bit of discomfort does – go to the doctor and cry for meds. Topical numbing creams and pills to help me sleep, please. Blogging is such a state might make for humorous reading but I hate having to explain myself in the morning. So I have been staying away and catching up Netflix instead.

Have you heard of this show called Mad Men? I know, I’m not “with it”. Anyway, I’m 1/2 through season 2. It’s quite good but rather sad. And there is so much sex. Is this considered regular TV programming now? Back when I had cable, about 10 years ago, this type of programming was reserved for HBO and aired at 10pm, when all the decent people were in bed. Now I hear sexy time is the norm. I feel like a voyeur watching some of this junk.

The show is pretty good though. I think it’s about smoking. Or drinking. I’m fine with that. I like the dresses and the men look so dashing. But why is everyone so sad, I mean, it takes place before Vatican II when everything was perfect and there were no heretics.

I can’t understand why everyone’s marriage is the pits in this show. There was never a time in history where every single marriage was oppressive and sucked, so is it such a stretch for the writers to give us one happy couple. It’s like some grossly exaggerated intentional effort to discredit the Cleaver stereotype. I see what they are doing there but is being like June Cleaver supposed to be the horror among horrors for modern women, because I kinda liked June. Though I never cared for The Beav. Oops, wrong movie. I can’t tell if it’s the meds but are you seeing the same thing I am when you follow that link? Is that a real movie?

Speaking of people being for real… some one stole my yard sign. I put up a sign in my yard in support of the Marriage Amendment North Carolinians will be voting on May 8th and 2 days later it was stolen right from yard. I thought about putting up another yard sing that said “Only assholes steal yard signs” but I don’t want to antagonize the neighbors. I’m still considered the new kid on the block and they already think I’m nuts with the statues and junk.


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