Komen and Planned Parenthood kiss and make up…

Komen and Planned Parenthood kiss and make up… April 17, 2012

… Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood does not offer cancer screening services like mammograms, Komen has decided to reward PP’s vicious bullying tactics by continuing grants to 17 Planned Parenthood affiliates.

Grants from the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure are flowing to Planned Parenthood, as the women’s health organizations seek to rebuild their relationship after the controversy in February over the breast cancer charity’s unsuccessful attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.

At least 17 Planned Parenthood affiliates will be funded this year, about the same number that received grants in 2011, according to a tally provided by Komen. The total amount of the grants, which are for breast-cancer screening and other breast-health services, is still being worked out. Most recipients this year also received funds last year.

Excuse me, what? The grants are for “breast cancer screening and other breast health services”?!

Related links: Komen Causing Breast Cancer by Funding Planned Parenthood.

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