A Different Priestly Scandal – the falsely accused…

A Different Priestly Scandal – the falsely accused… May 14, 2012

“… His accuser died of a cocaine overdose in his mother’s house, but not before exonerating the priest by admitting the falsity of his accusation.

But all that notwithstanding, the bishop in his diocese has not moved – dared? – to reinstate this good man and return him to his proper standing in the priesthood, or even to give a public apology for his unjust treatment. Nor has the press that stirred up the atmosphere of high-tech lynchings revisited his case (and hundreds if not thousands of others) to clear them of this horrible wrong.

Very few raw accusations that have emerged since the priestly abuse crisis erupted were ever subject to due process and full discovery and an open trial. In America, citizens have a right to their innocence until proven guilty. This good man was never given a hearing. He is still being punished…

… I do not understand why the Catholic Church has not fought for a civil process that gives these good men, innocent until proven guilty, fair trials. I do not understand why the American courts do not do this. I do not understand why the American press is not fighting mad about that. I do not understand why the ACLU is not leading this charge – they have a reputation for defending the unpopular victims, the publicly vilified victims.” [full article here]

It’s something I do not understand either. I can understand why the media won’t do this; they have too much invested in making the Church out to be the enemy. That lie sells. Never mind the proven facts, that a child is more likely to be molested by parents, a family friend, or their school teacher.

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