A Runner’s Motivation …

A Runner’s Motivation … March 5, 2013

… A friend of mine keeps trying to get me to join her on all these mini-marathons, 5K runs, and warrior dash obstacle style race courses. I think she’s trying to kill me. To shut her up, I joked that the only time you’d ever see me run is from a hungry horde of zombies. To which she said…

Enter the Charlotte Zombie Run.

On top of that, I now have to reevaluate my avoidance strategy as I can no longer hold claim to having never ran to or from anything. No, that jig was up at lunch today when my friend saw me chasing the taco truck. There was never a more determined moment in my life than when I saw the taco truck pulling out of the parking lot.

Not without my tacos!

Now if they just had a liquor truck…

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