Using Gay People as a Commodity…

Using Gay People as a Commodity… July 3, 2014

… Stephanie Richer, the Digital Hairshirt, asks a very interesting question.

Seriously, does anyone think marketing fast food based on sexual orientation is appropriate? If you are gay, do you feel that lately you have become less of a person and more of a brand, or commodity?

Just stick a rainbow on it and call it Pride and sell it to gays, who judging from their reactions in this video, actually believe that Burger King – a corporation – cares about them. For what? To sell hamburger meat?

Do you find being emotionally manipulated and exploited based on your sexual orientation just to sell second rate fast food insulting? And if not, why?

Also, why is it OK for proceeds from the burger to be donated for scholarships to LGBT graduating high school seniors but not OK for Chick-fil-a to donate to Christian organizations of their own choosing?

And what about legal ramifications? She also asks,

“…if this goes national and a franchisee refuses to sell these, will that open them up to ridicule, scorn, and possibly violence and litigation?”


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