tipping… it aint just for cows…

tipping… it aint just for cows… August 12, 2009

… so I was at the pharmacy today spending my grocery money on my new myriad of perscriptions; my heart cocktail which replaces my usual evening one now, when as I was getting back in my car the driver side exterior paneling popped off and landed at my feet. There I stood laughing in the rain with my bagful of meds looking deranged. Such is my life.

Then it occurred to me… if people will shell out a tuppence for bird seed surely my kindly readers will donate to me, a single mother and struggling nursing student who is recovering from a heart attack.

I can’t sell you indulgences but I assure you your donations will go to a grand cause for the greater good… helping a future nurse off set the cost of her education and books.

So if you like what you read drop a tuppence in the jar and assuage your conscience by giving alms to the poor.

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