vanity thy name is Kat…

vanity thy name is Kat… October 5, 2010

… always looking for a way to save money or try a new at home beauty remedy, please, allow me to share my latest find. Sharpies. Now, if you will, do not do anything you are about to read hence forth.

I learned that I can go a few weeks longer in between coloring my grey hairs if I just swipe a black sharpie over the part. Just a little dab, to make them less obvious. This will work only if you black hair. This morning I leaned into the bathroom mirror and decided it was time to break out the Sharpie until my next coloring. It was then, as I leaned in closer to inspect and scrutinize my appearance, I saw it. Then another. Gleaming snow white under the bright bathroom lights. Grey eyebrow hairs. Two on one side and one of the other.

Here, my female readers, is where you need to pay close attention to my cautionary tale of vanity… and do not attempt, ever, what you are about to read.

I don’t know what possessed me to do it. I have no idea, no excuse and no reason for not reaching into the drawer and getting my tweezers and ending the problem then and there. Perhaps it was because I was still clutching the Sharpie, it was there, convenient at hand. But I did it. I took that marker to my eyebrows.

My God. The horror. Followed by another horror.. there is a reason a Sharpie is called a permanent marker.

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