From Keyboard to Microphone: Recent Podcasting Adventures

From Keyboard to Microphone: Recent Podcasting Adventures November 22, 2022

Over the last few months, my microphone has gotten more work than my keyboard. Usually I’m writing my thoughts on God, his Word, the church, and books that address all of that and more. But life has been busy this fall, between full-time work, doctoral studies, grief, and family shenanigans such as winning the marching band state title.

Blogging had to wait.

But surprisingly, the last few months have opened up opportunities for me to talk more, and more publicly, via podcasts. Topics vary from prayer, to women in ministry, to stories in the Bible, and more. Some are light-hearted, others scholarly, and all were a lot of fun.

I’m a regular, usually monthly, contributor to the Skitzy Chicks’ Made Ya Smile podcast, where I enjoy my unofficial title of Resident Bible Nerd. Hosts Melinda Whitten and Carrie Varnell share about life, laughter and their love of Jesus. An excellent, uplifting podcast for your commute! Episodes go back over a year, but below are the latest few:

Later this week, we begin a four-episode Advent series—beginning with Anna the prophetess!

For Beyond Ordinary Women, I was the interviewer, talking with author, literary agent, and friend Mary DeMuth.

The Alabaster Jar “takes on current issues impacting women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry.” Dr. Lynn Cohick invited me and my co-author to share the vision behind our new book, 40 Questions about Women in Ministry. We recorded last March, and in August I began my Doctor of Ministry program at Northern Seminary with Dr. Cohick as my advisor!

Most recently, She Reads Truth, which offers women Bible reading plans to encourage daily time in God’s Word, invited me to chat with cohosts Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams about prayers in Scripture. Podcasting weekly, their discussions correspond with the current study book their subscribers are working through. At the end of each episode, the guest exhorts listeners to “keep opening your Bible!” I love it!

In January, I’ll be back on Beyond Ordinary Women, returning to Honestly Though (with Rebecca Carrell and Nika Spaulding), and chatting with Julie Shannon on The Bearing Life. Each of those interviews will focus on our book, which releases January 17.

I’ve found podcasting a delightful experience, but I’m eager to get back to some writing, too. For now, happy listening and Happy Thanksgiving!

Cover photo by lil artsy.

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