Personalized, Professional Guidance for Your Book Proposal

Personalized, Professional Guidance for Your Book Proposal May 16, 2023

Are you wondering what a book proposal is, or have you attempted to write one? Are you hoping to publish a book, especially in the Christian market? Don’t know how to get started? Often, prospective authors get caught in a whirlwind of questions:

Agent or direct-to-publisher?

Proposal or query?

Professional editor or friends who are good with words?

When can I quit my day job?

My friend Mary DeMuth, a multi-published author and literary agent, has put her years of experience in the publishing industry into a product to help you get published. Her new three-day intensive will teach aspiring authors learn how to create a winning proposal—among other things. Mary answered a few questions for me about the Proposal Intensive:

Who needs a tutorial like this?

1. If you are aspiring to write a book that’s traditionally published, your first step is to write an amazing book proposal. You don’t write the book (nonfiction). Instead, you craft a proposal and the first three chapters. Literary agents receive subpar proposals all the time, then reject them. The best way to be seen by that gatekeeper is to create the kind of proposal that answers the question, “Will this book sell?”


What is one tool this class will give an author or would-be author?

2. They will receive a beautiful, effective, one-of-a-kind proposal template they can use for the rest of their career.

For someone considering this class, what kinds of questions will it answer?

3. They’ll understand the mysteries of the publishing industry, how books are acquired, the process of presenting a book with its best foot forward, and how to write a truly stunning book proposal.

Why are you uniquely qualified to lead such a class?

4. I have been writing book proposals since 2004. I’ll be releasing my 47th book this year. I am a literary agent who knows what publishers are looking for.
Mary has experienced just about everything an author can expect. Benefit from her wisdom and insider position in the industry. Click the image below to learn all the details and sign up.
Mary DeMuth’s Proposal Intensive
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