December 15, 2014

There once was a ship that travelled far and wide. Some said it was as old as time. It wasn’t necessarily  a majestic vessel, but it always remained an important part of the lives of people wherever it sailed. In the Canadian province of Quebec, the history and identity of French and English-speaking people were deeply intertwined with this ship’s long and illustrious journey. It was believed that the ship would endure forever. In many hearts, this journey continues today, but for the majority... Read more

December 12, 2014

“Truth eventually wins out; facts are stubborn things.”  These were the words of General Michael Hayden when he gave the commencement speech at Franciscan University of Steubenville on May 12, 2012.  He continued: “stand your ground, don’t forget the moral compass you have been given here at Franciscan University.” As a proud graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, I echo his sentiments.  The truth does eventually win out, and I was given a firm moral compass, a commitment to the... Read more

December 9, 2014

Sin and violence has its own terrible internal logic, and the torture report shows us we're trapped in it. Read more

December 8, 2014

The late great Avery Cardinal Dulles is reported by Schuyler Brown, a former student of his, to have once declared the doctrine of original sin “closed for repairs,” and there seem to be a whole lot of good reasons for that.  The doctrine of original sin has been attacked over the past couple centuries for a variety of reasons, too numerous to get into.  What matters is that the result has been a total obfuscation of the meaning of the... Read more

December 5, 2014

#HashtagsMatter. Sometimes they even call us to conversion. Read more

December 2, 2014

Some Catholics are the priest on the south side of Chicago who went up to a crack house at midnight, knocked on the door and told the people inside to shut it down and leave his parish. Some Catholics are the military couple who recently ushered their seven sons and daughters into the middle of a bright cafeteria of retired missionaries and cued them to sing for the old men. Some Catholics are the spiritually obstructed man who was advised... Read more

December 1, 2014

Dr. Stephen M. Barr, professor of physics at the University of Delaware, recently shared his thoughts with me on why science and the Catholic faith are “profoundly in harmony.” His insights on the big bang and theory of evolution are worth reading. In our America magazine interview, he shared the following hope for his readers: I hope they come away with the realization that the church has never been an enemy of science, but rather a great patron and friend... Read more

November 30, 2014

Too often, we talk about authority as a kind of force — but this is what authority looks like: bowing and asking for a blessing. Read more

November 28, 2014

Nathan O'Halloran responds to James Martin's and Ross Douthat's correspondence about the synod, from his own pastoral perspective. Read more

November 27, 2014

Memory, like sleep, hath powers which dreams obey, Dreams, vivid dreams, that are not fugitive: How little that she cherishes is lost! –Wordsworth This article contains plot spoilers. What does the “science” in “science fiction” signify? I would propose that it is not astronomy or physics or biology, but anthropology: good science fiction explores the science of what it is to be human. I am reminded of this by two recent films that explore how our culture and memory shape... Read more

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