June 10, 2024

Sorry for the delay in posting articles. Life got a bit busy at the end of the school year. Those with school-aged kids know this all too well. On the Feast of Corpus Christi, Catholics around the world celebrated the mystery of the body and blood of Christ present in the Eucharist. Western (Roman) Catholics call this mystery transubstantiation. Basically, Catholics believe Christ is hidden, yet substantially present in the Eucharist: body, blood, soul, and divinity. Since the beginning, this... Read more

May 31, 2024

Below is from my good friend, Matt Graham. He allowed me to share his recent take on former president Donald Trump. Think what you will about Trump, but Matt does make some valid points. Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump you should ask yourself why so many people like him. If your answer is “they like him because they are a bunch of racists” then you haven’t thought about it enough. To the right, Trump is an anti-corruption... Read more

May 29, 2024

This weekend, I watched the 2021 documentary Building a Bridge, based on the 2018 book of the same name by Fr. James Martin, SJ. As I watched the documentary, I found myself agreeing with some of the points concerning compassion and kindness. However, Building the Bridge left me with more questions than answers as to how the Church ought to build a bridge to the Catholics within the LGBT community, especially if said Catholics see themselves as made by God... Read more

May 22, 2024

Some on the Catholic Left (and in secular society) think the comments made by Kansas City Chief’s kicker Harrison Butker at Benedictine College do not represent the view of the Catholic Church. Some, think his comments are reflective of “right-wing ideology” masquerading as authentic Catholicism. Frankly, such criticisms are absurd and serve only to reflect the ideological leans of their bearers. Personally, up until now, I stayed out of the sensationalist discussions over obvious Catholic teachings. However, a recent article... Read more

May 19, 2024

In past articles, I touched upon Church authority verses Scripture only authority. Many Protestants bring up that the regular Christian, whether Catholic or not, does not hold a sense of infallibility, even if the Church hierarchy possesses it in a theoretical sense. Now, this understanding of infallibility among the laity often gets misunderstood even among Catholics. In a specific sense, Catholic laity do share in the charism of infallibility. This sense of infallibility among the laity the Church calls the... Read more

May 12, 2024

Recently, two interesting stories emerged, one from the Associated Press (AP), the other from the bishop of Springfield in Illinois. Both, while discussing different aspects of Catholicism, concern a similar theme—progressive Catholicism. In this article, I examine the claim by AP that “America’s Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways” and whether or not “President Biden mocks our Catholic faith.” What conclusion can we reach from these two stories? “A Step Back in Time” On April 30th,... Read more

May 8, 2024

Guest Contributor: Pilgrim In the early hours of Oct. 7th, 2023, Hamas launched a barrage of 3,000 missiles from the Gaza Strip against the State of Israel, combined with ground attacks upon civilians and soldiers and the murder, mutilation and rape of innocent men, women and children. The resulting one-day death toll of 1,200 people in Israel represented the largest Jewish loss of life since the Holocaust. In addition to murdering civilians and raping women, Hamas seized 253 hostages, Global... Read more

May 5, 2024

As many of my readers know, I tend to write on the topic of Church authority, and specifically sola scriptura. For those not familiar with Latin, sola scriptura translates as: by scripture alone. Simply put, Scripture alone, according to Keith Matthison, means that Scripture is the “sole, final, and infallible norm of faith and practice.” In his book, The Shape of Sola Scriptura, he concludes: The Church must affirm that Scripture is the sole, final, and infallible norm of faith... Read more

April 30, 2024

Do you appreciate information? If wrong, are you open to correction? If not, why? Or maybe you think “truth” is impossible to discern or that your lived experience is too complex for any supposed “answers.” Recently, Catholic Answers received a fair amount of criticism for the former Fr. Justin AI. Some of these critics used the opportunity with Justin to bounce on apologetics altogether. In turn, their readers jumped on the bandwagon to declare apologetics just another “right-wing” tactic to... Read more

April 24, 2024

In the introduction to his new book, Confusion in the Kingdom: How “Progressive” Catholicism is Bringing Harm and Scandal to the Church, author and apologist Trent Horn explains his motives for writing a book many will see as divisive. He states: As long as someone affirms what the Church teaches, rejects what the Church opposes, and allows for disagreement on matters the Church has no teaching on, I generally have no qualms with him. But I do have qualms with... Read more

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