5 Reasons to Attend Eternity Bible College

5 Reasons to Attend Eternity Bible College May 25, 2016

Now more than ever, it’s a great time to attend Eternity Bible College. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. Debt Free Education

The college has been around since 2004 and we’ve never had Theology3anyone graduate with student tuition debt. While student debt in the U.S. has risen to $1.3 trillion, we’re holding strong at $00.00 trillion. We don’t believe it should cost a lot cash to study the Bible with depth and passion, so we’re committed to offering the most affordable education we can.

How do we do this? It’s simple, actually.

We don’t have athletic programs, so if you want to be an all-star, then Eternity Bible College isn’t the place for you. We also don’t have dorms, elaborate campuses, and admins making 6 figure salaries. If you want all that, then EBC is not for you. But if you want an in depth, challenging, and relevant theological education, then look us up.

2. Accreditation

We’ve been pursuing accreditation for nearly 9 years, and as of last month, we’re now fully accredited.

In some ways, getting accredited doesn’t affect us. We’re still sticking to our mission of offering debt-free education that doesn’t depend on the government’s money (and their opinion about our curriculum) to enable students to attend. We’re still exploring creative ways to get God’s word to seep into the bones of our students. We’re still just as passionate about the gospel and the kingdom of Christ as we were before accreditation.

But there are some practical benefits of accreditation. Students will now have an easier time getting into graduate programs. They can transfer EBC credits to other schools, if they desire to switch colleges. And, quite frankly, some students are more likely to attend simply because we are now accredited.

3. Three campuses

Along with two on-site campuses in Simi Valley (CA) and Boise (ID), our entire curriculum is also available online. That’s right. You can get a four-year bachelor’s degree and never leave your PJ’s.

Online education isn’t for everyone, but it’s quickly becoming the way of education. It’s also a good way to keep people in their own communities. Think about it. While some people are able to leave their community and re-locate to attend college, other people are ministering in their communities and it would be painful for them to leave. This is why we created our online program. Rather than hurting the church, we want to serve the church by bringing theological education to you.

4. Interdenominational

While EBC was birthed out of a conservative non-denominational context, we’ve grown to become much more interdenominational. We cherish gospel-centered unity, where professors and students major on the majors and leave room for disagreement on the minors. We like to say we aim at education not indoctrination; we teach students how to think, not what to think. We don’t believe right answers should be memorized, but discovered in the context of a diverse community.

To be frank: the tribalism and disunity in the church is a big problem. We all think we’ve nailed it and we look down upon others who don’t think and act exactly like us. We at EBC want to tear down those dividing walls and foster healthy cross-pollination among different Christian traditions. We have Baptists and Presbyterians, Anglicans and Methodists—and even nondenominational orphans like me. It’s becoming a messy family, and I love it!

5. 9 Month Gap Year

Most Christians don’t want to become pastors or missionaries; they want to become doctors and nurses and baristas and musicians and business owners and web-designers and sales-persons. This is why we created our Certificate in Transformational Leadership (CTL). It’s a 9-month program—think of it as a gap year that’s not just for 18 year olds—for students wanting to go into some other vocation than full-time pastoral ministry.

If you’re a Christian, and you want to gain a better understanding of your faith, your vocation, and the world around you, then this is the perfect program for you. You’ll learn the Bible, understand what it means to have a Christian worldview, and also learn to think theologically about work, art, film, science, and all areas of life. And you’ll still have plenty of time to pursue a four-year degree  that’s related to your vocation.

To apply to EBC, go HERE.

For more information on the CTL, click HERE

If you’re in the Boise area and have more questions about the college, shoot me an email ([email protected]) and I’ll buy you lunch. Preferably Thai food. Or maybe Indian.

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