Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women

Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women April 10, 2011

If you are a regular reader of the Pangea Blog, you already know that I am an outspoken egalitarian.  I believe that when women are not given the same opportunities as men, that we actually can unintentionally hinder the body of Christ.  Women ought to be free to exercise their gifts of leadership, apostleship, preaching, teaching, eldership, pastoring, etc.  It is a static reading of Scripture through the narrow lens of modernity that keeps women from reaching their Holy Spirit gift mix potential.  And although this comes out of a sincere attempt to read the bible for all its worth, the church at large has left behind half the church in the process.

Zondervan was kind enough to send me a copy of Carolyn Custis James’ new book: Half the Church – Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women.  James sets out to unleash Christian women globally to impact our world for the Kingdom of God.  In the introduction, she states:

When half the church holds back – whether by choice or because we have no choice – everybody loses and our mission suffers setbacks.  Tragically, we are squandering the opportunity to display to an embattled world a gospel that causes both men and women to flourish and unites us in a Blessed Alliance that only the presence of Jesus can explain. (19)

She is not simply looking at women’s roles in the church, but the larger issues facing women across the globe.  Commenting on a book that made an impact on her and inspired her to write this one, she states:

But I am at a total loss for words to describe the feeling that swept over me at the end of the book where, while recognizing that Christian organizations are deployed in this fight, the authors threw down the gauntlet for the rest of the church to step up to the plate.  I was jolted to read, “Americans of faith should try as hard to save the lives of African women as the lives of unborn fetuses.” (21)

She beleives that it is women who can address these women issues!  She adds:

It is no small matter that women comprise half the church.  In many countries women make up a significantly higher percentage of believers – 80 percent in China and 90 percent in Japan…  Although everyone is concerned about the need to reach more men, maybe these high percentages of women should make us wonder what God is doing, for he often forges significant inroads for the gospel by beginning with women.  Perhaps we ought to be asking what he might do through us.  When you stop to think of it, in sheer numbers, the potential we possess for expanding the kingdom of God is staggering. (27)

As you may have noticed during the past few weeks, my blogging has slowed down a bit.  The reason is that April is the busiest month I have had between Seminary and Church in the past year.  So, I must admit that I have not read this entire book…. I sure plan to finish it though, because I believe that women MUST be liberated for ministry in the Kingdom and from oppression of any form throughout the world!

Check out this video to get an idea of what this book offers us…

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