Come Hang with Me @Soularize in San Diego!

Come Hang with Me @Soularize in San Diego! September 12, 2011

Click here for more info about Soularize!

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been blessed by the ministry of the Ooze (founded by Spencer Burke).  This year, their prolific conference called Soularize will be in San Diego (October 18-20).  And, this week they are running a huge discount for tickets.  The price per ticket has been chopped by $50 so each ticket purchased before September 18th will only cost $199!  I’m also told that the hotel is reasonably priced.  To get more info about this great promotion, go here.

I’m especially excited as I will be presenting a workshop session called “Doing Justice to Spiritual Warfare – Waging a Shalom-Shaped War Against Injustice.”  Here is the description:

In our culture, there’s a growing interest in supernatural activity, specifically as it relates to invisible demonic powers (as evidenced by the movies coming out of Hollywood).  There’s also a celebrity driven awareness of issues of global poverty and oppression (think of Bono of U2 or Angelina Jolie).  People outside of the church are asking questions like: Do demons really exist and can they interact with normal people?  Why is the world we live in filled with so much oppression and poverty when we in America have more than we need? What’s incredible is that in this cultural moment, the people of God have the answers to the questions people are asking!  Using Ephesians 6 as a foundational text, Doing Justice To Spiritual Warfare will reflect on these cultural observations and how they might be a catalyst for joining in the mission of God.

During our time together, we will reflect upon issues such as:

–       The nature and work of the Powers
–       The emergence of New Creation
–       The body armor of peaceful soldiers
–       The nature of the atonement and metaphors for thinking about such
–       The work of the Holy Spirit in social justice
–       And ultimately will provide a framework for reconstructing what we mean when we use the language of “spiritual warfare”

This workshop session will not only challenge our understanding social justice as it relates to spiritual warfare, but will provide content that is adaptable for any church setting that wishes to awaken the imagination of their people.

Other speakers include:

Rachel Held Evans,
Jay Bakker,
Brian Ammons,
Morgan Myers,
John Caputo,
Tim King,
Peter Rollins,
Monica Coleman,
Rita Brock,
Mark Scandrette,
Rich McCullen,
Philip Clayton,
Trip Fuller,
Barry Taylor,
Claudio Oliver,
Phil Shepherd,
Krisitina Keefe-Perry,
Callid Keefe-Perry,
and many more!

Previously, there have been some “surprises” at Soularize that no one would have expected.  Today in an article called “The Soularize Surprise” Spencer gave some background on one such incident.  This video reflects the result of that moment at Soularize in 2007.  Check out this video:



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