N.T. Wright & Pete Enns Agree: Adam is Israel in Exile!

N.T. Wright & Pete Enns Agree: Adam is Israel in Exile! February 3, 2012

If you haven’t read my review of Pete Enns’ The Evolution of Adam, you might check that out first and then come back here.  In this video, N.T. Wright states the same thing that Pete Enns argues: Israel’s being taken away in Exile is a recapitulation of Adam being cast out of the Garden.  For a fuller treatment of this, see this Biologos article. I would venture to say that N.T. Wright would lean a bit more toward the text being originally about humanity in general than Pete Enns would, but either way they agree on how the text functioned leading up to the time of Jesus.

What do you think?  Might Pete Enns and Tom Wright be on to something here?

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