How many slaves work for you 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation?

How many slaves work for you 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation? September 22, 2012

Source: National Archives


It marks 150 years since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation… and it’s our first birthday!

When we launched Slavery Footprint, we had no idea how much you’d care. As of today, 866,880 of you have discovered your connection to modern-day slavery. But you didn’t stop there. More importantly, you took action. Over 200,000 letters have been sent directly to companies asking them to join our movement to end forced labor.

Because you expressed the demand, we’re now in a position to work with companies to provide the supply. On September 24th, we will formally announce “Made In A Free World” on stage at the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative. MIAFW will offer companies a solution to identify and address slavery within their supply chains. Because of you, we’re one step closer to the day where everything we purchase will be Made In A Free World.

KURT: I encourage you to go to Slavery Footprint’s site and take their quiz. Also, educate yourself about their work!

How many slaves work for you?

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