
The Round Table plans to meet throughout 2011 and will invite different guests to participate each month. Below is our working schedule of topics and subtopics, which we’ll continue to adjust as we move forward. We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions. Contact us at table.round.the at gmail dot com.

January: Strengthen and Celebrate

An Introduction to The Round Table

Inclusive Sisterhood

Defining Experiences of Mormon Womanhood

February: “Mind the Gaps” (Doctrine and Culture)

Guest Introduction: “A Good Mormon Girl”

Principles, Practices, and Preferences

Rhetorical Questions

March: The Evolution of Personal Identity

Stereotypes and Subject Positions

Claiming a Personal Identity

Navigating Social Tensions

April: Body Image and Sexuality

Self-directed Virtue

Transcending Taboos

Hindsight and Hope

May: Mormon Motherhood

Mother-Daughter Retrospective

Does History Repeat Itself?

A Mother’s Place

June: Mormon Marriage

Interfaith Marriage

Equally Shared Parenting

Strengthening Marriage

Challenges faced by single women

Challenges faced by widowed women

July: Motherhood

Rethinking the Mormon paradigm of motherhood

Integrating domestic and non-domestic pursuits

The many faces of motherhood

August: Mormon theology of womanhood

Eve narratives

Heavenly Mother

Emma Smith/polygamy

September: Female spiritual power

Restoration era teachings/practices

Covenant relationships

Developing/exercising spiritual gifts

October: Female institutional power

What does equal partnership look like at church?

Authority: the priesthood question

Sisters in the mission field

November: Mormon Sisterhood

Relief Society; past, present, future

Challenges and benefits of local sisterhood

Challenges and benefits of worldwide sisterhood

December: Rising generations

Primary: What do our young girls need? What are they getting?

YW: What do our adolescent girls need? What are they getting?

Concerns and hopes for future generations