Playing With Paint (Acrylic & Watercolor, “52 Makeup” Week 4)

Playing With Paint (Acrylic & Watercolor, “52 Makeup” Week 4) February 1, 2017


I talked about this during last January’s Fun a-Day, but it bears repeating.

In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig wrote “You want to know how to paint a perfect painting? It’s easy. Make yourself perfect and then just paint naturally.”

It’s funny that this idea resonates with me so strongly, because I have zero talent or knowledge about painting. And that scared me away for a long time — I put my creative efforts into poetry and music, where I felt I did better . But I am part of this world; while I’m far from “perfect”, whatever I do is as natural as starshine or a thunderstorm. The crow does not compare it’s caw to the songs of other birds.


So here’s my creation for week four of my 52 Makeup challenge: two inartful paintings, the outcome of me playing with paint for a while.

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