Communication: A Sigil for 2025

Communication: A Sigil for 2025 January 7, 2025

For the past few years, I’ve started each year by making a sigil — a graphical representation of one’s magickal intention, charged with will and intention. Somewhat in the same vein as a New Years Resolution, but more of a means than just a goal. Like other forms of ritual work, making and using a sigil is a way of focusing our energy and and attention, of bringing our minds back to a goal.

As I wrote over the holidays, I’m making “communication” my theme for 2025. In a time when so many are deliberately cutting off communication — calling for their political opponents to be censored, or celebrating the idea of going “no contact” with their families over political or cultural disagreements — I think we need to take a stand for keeping the lines of communication open.

We have many, many problems to solve. To do that, we’re going to need to work together; and to do that, we are going to need to communicate.

This form of this sigil is inspired by the veve for Papa Legba, opener of the way; by the Old Norse rune Oss; and by the classic shapes of telephone and telegraph poles and of telephone handsets. Please feel free to borrow it if you find it useful.

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