October 24, 2013

"My name is Tryn Miller, and I would like to tell you about growing up with Down syndrome." Read more

October 23, 2013

Stephanie Brock reflects on her son Adam and Down syndrome: "...we want to cure Down syndrome because it's not self-imposed, and we chafe as humans against anything we didn't decide or do for or to ourselves. We want to cure disability because it's not the right kind of difference, or difficulty, or suffering." Read more

October 22, 2013

A guest post from Notre Dame Professor of Ethics Hans Reinders today: "Of course it can argued that [people with Down syndrome] at least have this one extra chromosome in common, otherwise they would not be identified as people with Down syndrome, but this observation tells us next to nothing about their lives. It does not inform the debate on whether humanity would be better off without DS in any significant way." Read more

October 21, 2013

Why has my fear that Penny wouldn't make friends continued all these years? Read more

October 18, 2013

My book review for Christianity Today, plus what I'm reading and tweeting this week. Read more

October 17, 2013

Philosophy Professor Aaron Cobb reflects on the life and death of his son Sam, who was born with trisomy 18, and what that might mean for research to silence trisomies: "we should consider whether these new techniques will heighten the fearful tendencies that push us into desperate and despairing attempts to immunize ourselves and our children from our fragility as humans." Read more

October 16, 2013

"Does anyone have the right to change who people are intrinsically, to change a person’s identity and identification? To think that a person’s intelligence defines who they are and how they contribute to their community?" Blogger and mother Gary Bender reflects. Read more

October 15, 2013

Blogger David Zahl considers pop culture and curing Down syndrome: "In addition to scientists and parents, priests and politicians, we would do well to consult our storytellers and poets, to examine not only our conscience but our imagination as well." Read more

October 15, 2013

What effect would a "cure" for Down syndrome have on our culture at large? What would it communicate about what and who we value? About what and who we are and want to be? Read more

October 14, 2013

What have your children taught you about God? Read more

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