March 5, 2025

If salt is the original seasoning, why do so many ministers lack this special component? Instead, they boast of carnal seasoning to leverage themselves above others intensifying their already inflamed ego. For the past several years, I’ve been searching for a church home. As quickly as I thought I found one is as swiftly as I bowed out due to unwarranted disrespect. Disrespect, commonly, tagged as ‘church hurt.’ A pervasive and ubiquitous concept, it continues to raise its ugly head... Read more

January 11, 2025

How do I tell my friend their mom’s a witch? I don’t. Plain and simple. It is my belief people whose parents double as occult agents often suspect they’ve inherited evil guardians, yet remain incredulous to being the target of witchcraft activity from their own godhead. Even if I do spill the beans, I’m concerned with the elongated period of denial they’ll undergo. If not shown by God Himself, sometimes a friend pointing out the fact, may send them into... Read more

November 18, 2024

Hidden in plain sight Today, I listened vehemently to a clip from a conversation on CNN. The discussion totally disturbed me. I think I’m actually more stunned than perturbed. A panelist, accused of using a slur by calling a boy transitioning into a girl a boy, was censored from his First Amendment right. I wonder how God would feel with someone re-naming His trademark? Has anyone stopped to ask Him? The human body is scientifically immutable in terms of sex.... Read more

November 8, 2024

That’s right. I didn’t vote. An unpopular decision, but a necessary one. Had I been a White-male-evangelical, perhaps I would have. Yet, as a Black female minister, the choice wasn’t as definitive. In a land largely proclaiming “men only” in the pulpit, and anything goes as an alternative, I didn’t exactly fit into either agenda… onboard or under. Flashing back to visiting the old Bible book store in lower Manhattan during my twenties, an African American male prophesied to me... Read more

November 7, 2024

While perusing my socials, I stumbled upon a few interesting posts. One after-the-other began adding up and causing me to see beyond the surface. Perhaps, I’m overthinking. Just hear me out, though. Kamala Harris concedes In her concession speech, Kamala speaks to young supporters seeking to encourage their ongoing fight for freedom, justice and a better society. In this speech, she notes that “the fight is not over.” Now, on a surface dig, it’s simple to see exactly what is... Read more

November 6, 2024

Today, as I rose, there was an eerie feeling quite similar to the days before September 11th, 2001. Clear skies. The smiling sun gifting us with 70 degree weather in November. Go figure. Yet, the stillness hoards a familiar  undercurrent. A rage incomparable to the fury felt on the Capitol steps of January 6th, 2021. It derives from the voting effect. Trump won, so what? Shouldn’t he be in prison? If you voted against Kamala Harris due to her abortion... Read more

November 2, 2024

Adult bullying, really? Who would’ve thought adult bullying was a thing? Yes. Adult bullying. If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering how on Earth is that possible at this big age? Or, maybe not. I could ask the same of elder abuse and churches trafficking children. Sadly, it occurs. It transpires at church, work and adult play. I’d like to share a brief description of my personal experience with adult bullying. It emerged at an educational facility where bullying ran... Read more

October 31, 2024

Simone Biles, foster care, and me! I have been following Simone Biles‘ career for the last several years. Yet, beyond the fandom lies a spiritual resonance. Simone has triumphed from being foster, like me. Numerous interviews establish the source to Simone’s removal from her mother’s guardianship. It had much to do with her mom’s battle with addiction. When Simone and her sister Akira had gone hungry for the last time, her grandparents stepped in to rescue them. Although intermittently between... Read more

October 31, 2024

    Someone wished me “Happy Halloween,” today, and it was the most foreign thing I had heard in a while. Since being oppressed by occultic practices, I not only dismissed Halloween from my calendar, but I began researching its true nature behind the veil. The costumes, the candy, the haunted houses, none of it is for sheer pleasure. They exist as ploys to rot the soul and/or ruin an individual’s destiny. Costumes As a professional costume designer, I know... Read more

October 30, 2024

Is the “s” in gospel for secular? Following my perusal of “I Slept in Diddy’s House,” an interview with Rod Long–former Diddy producer turned worship pastor of RIG Global Church, my suspicions of the gospel industry’s satanic strands were solidified. During the interview, Long recounts his struggles with producing worldly music and maintaining his spirituality. Although his relationship with Diddy was peripheral, Long repeatedly encounters ethereal instances directly connected to parties he had never attended. After profound introspection, he walks... Read more

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