This is not harmless locker room talk: Time for women to say NO MORE

This is not harmless locker room talk: Time for women to say NO MORE October 9, 2016

democrat republican politics-cropMy husband and I are currently in Europe. I was seriously hoping to be away from all political talk during these weeks away, but it cannot happen.

The 2005 audio of the Despicable Donald crowing about his ability to molest any woman he wanted has made clear what most of us have known for far too long: women are nothing but sexual objects to him. That is their only purpose in life.

A man we met on the ship–a former athlete and an avid Despicable Donald supporter–came up to my husband this morning and said, “It will blow over quickly. He’ll explain it is just locker room talk and it doesn’t really mean anything.”

Despicable Donald, the wind-up serial sexual predator. Image courtesy of Wikipedia
Despicable Donald, the wind-up serial sexual predator. Image courtesy of Wikipedia

I came unglued. Yes, it does mean something. It means that men are predators and women are prey. And I am tired of being the “prey” to these disgusting men who can’t keep their hands out of any woman’s panties who just happens to make their zippers strain with the pressure.

It is no wonder Trump has the support of so many men and especially so-called “Christian” men. He’s their idol. He gets to say and do all the things they think and want to do.

Christian women, I’ve got a word from the Lord for you. Yes, a real WORD FROM THE LORD.

Here it is: You don’t have to vote for the Despicable Donald! Seriously. You go into the voting booth alone. You get to pull that lever or mark that ballot for someone who doesn’t have the hots for your innocent daughters and would grab her in the ***** should he get the chance. You stop waiting for some man to protect you and start doing something meaningful about this now.

How many women have been recipients of the very kind of sexual assault that Despicable Donald found totally normal? An uninvited kiss on the lips or a pat on the rear or an “accidental” brush against the breast or an actual grab on the vulva–all without even considering the possibility of consent. Most of us. Multiple times. And I’m not even talking about rape.

NO MORE. It is time to tell the predator male to head back into his cave and stay there until he decides to grow up.

For a start, perhaps we should all read Lysistrata. There’s a long history of men making dunces of themselves in politics and war and women finally saying, “NO MORE.”

If men want a place in the public sphere or in any other leadership role, then they had better wake up and deal with women as respected colleagues.

This is not just “locker room talk.” This is verbal rehearsal for the acts of molestation and rape.


Vote for Hillary Clinton. I know: you don’t like her. And what about her thing about supporting abortion rights?

Well, consider this: since the state of Texas has made it nearly impossible for poor women, particularly in rural counties, to get health care, the maternal death rate here is approaching that of third world countries.

If you are seriously pro-life, then for heaven’s sake, be for the lives of everyone, and that includes poor women, desperate women, women who have been raped, abandoned by their partners, and being essentially held prisoner in inescapable poverty.

The way to reduce abortion is to help women gain good educations and become economically independent. That will do more than any restrictive legislation to make sure that every single child is wanted and will be properly cared for.

No one wants abortion. But it should be, as Hillary has long contended, safe, legal and extremely rare.

And for now: NO MORE. If you go to a church where your pastor supports Despicable Donald, quit going. If you give money or listen to programs by “Christian” leaders who support Despicable Donald, stop. Now. NO MORE. If you find out that coaches in your schools or sports organizations create atmospheres that perpetuate this kind of locker room talk, get those coaches fired. NO MORE.

Reader, I married him
Reader, I married him

This is a series of the ongoing saga of a newly married couple with radically different political views. Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here. Part four is here. Part five is here. Part six is here. Part seven is here. Part eight is here. Part nine is here.

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