Thinking Theologically: Al Mohler’s “Culture Shift”

Thinking Theologically: Al Mohler’s “Culture Shift” February 13, 2008

First thing–thanks to the two commenters who broke my comment-less streak yesterday. Phew.

Second thing–I am woefully behind in telling my loyal readership about an important new book by my former boss, Dr. Albert Mohler. Dr. Mohler has just published the book Culture Shift, a collection of essays on a variety of subjects related to the condition of modern culture and the recovery of a biblical worldview in the midst of our paganized times. I have read almost all of these essays, and many, many more of Dr. Mohler’s writings, and I can testify that he is without exception the most helpful Christian thinker out there today on matters of Christian cultural engagement. There’s no exception to this statement; Dr. Mohler is the best worldview writer today. I am very excited at the prospect of more Mohler writings. As one who worked for him, I would encourage people to pray for Dr. Mohler that he’ll be able to put his many and deep thoughts to paper. He is a taxed man, perhaps the most busy man I’ve ever seen (though he also simply cannot refuse a request to think and write, a problematic but understandable tendency), and it would be a great service to the church to have more of Dr. Mohler’s thoughts in print.

I’ve written about him before, and I won’t go into any length here, but I want to encourage you to buy this book. You’ll benefit from it and learn to think theologically as you read it. It’s not expensive, and it won’t take you long to read, and the essays are each fairly short. As you read the book, you’ll also meet some of the man. That’s a good thing. I miss Dr. Mohler, and probably always will, but I’m thankful that you and I have the opportunity from a godly, gifted, culturally attuned man like him.

Here are some resources related to the book:

Go over to Amazon, order up a copy of Culture Shift, and prepare to be trained in theological thinking by one of the masters.

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