October 19, 2021

As I was putting up some Halloween decorations are noticed that some of my neighbors seemed a little shocked at my doing so. You see, its no secret in the neighborhood that I am a Christian writer and blogger, and like many places in the south, Halloween and Jesus just don’t go together. On top of that, my wife is a huge Harry Potter fan, so our house is adorned with colors from the different houses in the movie. So... Read more

October 12, 2021

In truth, general revelation and natural theology could be considered more “Christian” than special revelation and theology. Since the first way God has communicated through us is nature, nature is our first Bible. The river was the first revelator of God. The river is in many ways more revelatory than special revelation in that it provides to us a day by day revealing of God. Day by day, God is in constant communication with us, making plain Gods nature, Gods... Read more

October 5, 2021

We Have Abandoned the River It can be argued that all humans simply desire to belong and to be at peace. This strong desire for incorporation has led to the rise of the modern evangelical church and its far-reaching movements all over the world. Our desire for peace, has become a desire of individuality at all costs. We, as a Christian Church, have become more and more willing to sacrifice entire groups of people to maintain our status quo, our... Read more

September 26, 2021

Many speak of the inability to receive the vaccine due to religious reservations. I would contend that, at least in Christianity, if anything is done for religious reservations it must be grounded in our theology. But to be fair to the argument, many things are done because of religious reservations. The key for most Christians however is that those things are found in scripture or in the natural revelation of God. Religiously Exempt from Oppression For example, I have religious... Read more

September 18, 2021

All of us who believe tend to use prayer in hard times. In this time we live in, fear is everywhere. Fear of Covid, fear of Covid Vaccinees. Fear of war and even fear of peace. We live in a time of individual uncertainty that the United States hasn’t seen since before World War II. People deal with fear in a myriad of ways and many of them are quite helpful and beautiful. It is here we can learn a... Read more

September 14, 2021

According to John Koch and his 2006 book “Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia.” Celtic Christianity refers broadly to certain features of Christianity that were common, or held to be common, across the Celtic-speaking world during the Early Middle Ages.” (Koch) Celtic Christianity has been viewed on many levels by many different writers. On one level, writers have sought to describe a distinct Celtic Church. It had the purpose of uniting the Celtic peoples. In early writings, it sought to distinguish... Read more

September 8, 2021

With the new law taking effect in Texas in regards to abortion, the words “Pro-life” are once again being thrown around. So too are “Pro-Choice” and a myriad of other phrases in between the two. When this argument rears its head around America’s dinner tables and Facebook accounts, you can be sure there will be much visceral and anger to be had by all. But one thing that has always concerned me is the grouping together of certain words that... Read more

September 3, 2021

  The biblical understanding of sin can be best understood looking at the context in which the words used to describe sin are used in the bible. The use of over 20 different words between the Old Testament and New Testament speak to the need for a multi-faceted view of sin. Very simply, sin is not simple. Many times, I have been told sin is simply wrong. But the Bible, from which we as Christians understand this concept does not... Read more

August 23, 2021

In my daily studies, I ran across the Jude of the Old Testament- Obidiah. Obidiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. But like its New Testament predecessor- It is jammed full of theological treasure. But to understand that treasure one must look at the context of the writing. It is there we find an instance where God selects a prophet from the opposition to speak out against the opposition. Historical Context Obidiah is one of only three prophets... Read more

August 19, 2021

As we continue to journey through the 12 Apostles of Ireland, we find here in these three bravery. We find bravery in the face of the unknown, bravery in the face of danger and bravery in the face of oppression. As Christians we must have the courage to stand with our Ard Ri (High King) Jesus Christ in the face of all of these. These three saints from long ago, speak to us about this bravery for the love of... Read more

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