Simple Biblical Principles And Teachings On Wealth And Increase

Simple Biblical Principles And Teachings On Wealth And Increase October 29, 2021

What exactly makes a person rich? What qualifies a person as rich or wealthy? Does wealth mean the same thing as riches? These questions and more are what the Bible answer and teach.

The Bible is a spiritual book, it teaches all things from their truest origins and purest points of view. You read correctly, it teaches all things pertaining to life and how best to live it truly fulfilled. The Bible teaches principles, age old truths and wisdom about finance and goodness.

According to the revelation of the Holy Spirit and correct interpretation of the word of God, it is not just money that can be given and received. Acts of kindness can be given and received, ill deeds can be inflicted by an oppressor and received by a victim but all of these things stem from the inside. A stingy person is operating from a particular perception of limited supply, both in his ability to give money and also in his ability to be selflessly kind. A generous person is operating from a perception of unlimited supply and abundance, both in his ability to give of his money and of himself. So you see… in both ways, people operate from the manner of their spirit and mind.

“He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” – Proverbs 22:9

The ‘eye’ in this verse points to a person’s perception and mindset. It simply means that if you have a perception and mindset of unlimited supply and abundance, increase will be inevitable for you. You will be blessed materially and immaterially. This is because wealth is not lmited in meaning to only money but also all other things that are good, appreciative, worthy of note and honor, beautiful and bettering. The ‘poor’ means any person who lacks or has run short of the good, material or immaterial. For a person to be blessed, he or she will have to experience an increase of the good from the inside out.

Two principles of wealth and increase are to be pointed out here, that every deed is an act of investment towards increase or away from increase. In other words, nothing goes for nothing. We get results from the actions we intiate or partake in. Therefore, if a person wants to increase, he or she has to know how to give up of what he or she already has in order to make room for more supply. Also, a person ‘s mindset can be his freedom or captivity.

Your beliefs shape your reality, whether these beliefs are true or not. Because you have channelled energy intoo authenticating them and approving of them, they will be real for you. They will determine your experiences and they will shape your days. The truth is that lack is an illusion and limits do not exist but if you do not agree to these truths, you will not be set free. Liberation of all manner starts from the mind. A stingy person will not increase because he believes that supply is limited and that if he runs out, there is no infinite source to fill him up. So he holds back his kindness and money, unintentionally putting himself in a state of stagnation. A generous person believes that wealth of the heart, mind and pocket never runs out and is willing to give and give in order to receive and expand.

What is increase? Increase is a permanent, long term improvement in one’s quality of life. It entails new beginnings and introduction to new encounters which gets better by the day. It never degenerates to a former, lesser state but becomes more profound, grounded and lasts over a very long period of time. If you want to be free, you have to start tearing down and dismantling every idea in your mind that supports limitation and suggests scarcity. Limitation and scarcity of anything good, be it an animal, place, person, circumstance, situation or idea. It takes faith and fearlessness to be this daring enough to challenge the limits, status quo and modus operandi.
Your freedom is in your hands, the word of God is true.

How do you break limits? How do you expand? You can break limits and expand by being fearless, treading unknown waters, diversifying your options and being positive. Giving is an act of worship as well as it is a form of investment. If you do not give, that which you already have will run out or depreciate. The secret to expansion is in increasing your scope of impact. It is good to start small and begin charity at home but these are only foundational, baby steps to being an instrument of deliverance in the hands of God. There is no need to be afraid, you are a channel, God is the infinite source of everything good, so you can never run out. Obey the principles and laws if you want to get the results you desire.

Also learn to check in on yourself in order to know when you need and deserve a ‘me time’. Pouring into yourself and pouring into others should be habits of moderation and balance. This is because you are a person and you deserve to receive too, even from yourself. Of love, attention, kindness and money, material and immaterial good. Name it.

You want to experience new dimensions? Give more than you used to, do something new, good and be consistent about it. That way, you become more and have more. God bless you.

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